Ager's Scepter - Mothkeeper's Wraps - Strand

Hey everyone! Here is another build I have been working on. I took it to the next level with this one. Enjoy! Focus on: 100 Resilience 100 Mobility 0 Recovery (if played well you'll LOCK-DOWN everything.) But, feel free to remove 1 stasis weapon surge and replace it with recuperation. Use your remaining points on Discipline. Ideally you wanna get 100. This build speaks for itself guys. Use Ager's as your main weapon which does STASIS damage in combination with Mothkeeper's Wraps and your STRAND abilities. Once an enemy dies by Ager's beam, all other surrounded enemies will be FROZEN. You'll get 3 grenades to blind and will cause a big explosion on impact. You have: option 1: use a SOLAR sidearm to become RADIANT. option 2: use Indebted Kindness with VOLTSHOT to apply JOLT. change helmet siphon to solar or arc And ofcourse a Rocket Launcher for bosses and overloads. Gameplay Loop: Throw Moth - use your melee to SEVER enemies - DODGE (stand close to enemy to get melee back) - Use Ager's on 1 RED BAR ad that will FREEZE the rest around them. The MOTH will explode and does enormous damage. SEVER Targets will spawn NEW TANGLES (on cooldown tho) and don't forget to finish for ammo. Watch my YouTube vid to get a clear picture: min: 07:49 This was fun! I'm already working on the next unique build. I'm really leaning in these Pre-Prismatic type of builds. Don't forget to leave a Like, Comment (feedback) and Subscribe. You don't want to miss out on future videos. Shu Kaio

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