Build focuses around providing restoration and radiant as often as possible. Works with any exotic and only uses damage resistance artifact mods. Solar weapon kills provide huge benefits - increased recov via ember of tempering for you and allies, solar wells via elemental armaments, and increased uptime on restoration and radiant via ember of empyrean When elemental armaments procs, it will provide 3 solar wells for increased grenade regen and font of might Consuming grenade will provide you and allies restoration as well as activating Heat Rises. Kills while airborne provide melee energy to give radiant to yourself and allies. Ember of Benevolence will provide bonus grenade, melee, and phoenix dive energy any time we grant restoration, cure, or radiant. Aeon gloves will provide special and heavy ammo as much as needed via finishers on yellow bars and champs. Gameplay loop: Consume grenade. Melee. Floof up. Kill adds with toaster. Collect wells. Throw grenades at allies on cooldown, snap on cooldown to provide radiant. Use your phoenix dive to get down, will provide cure to allies and feed back into the gameplay loop to restart.
These build settings contain: