Zero Hour (Legend) Solo-Flawless Build - SHWYLiE

This is the loadout that I used for my Zero Hour Solo Flawlesses.(S23 - Note the artifact might have better options in S24) Here's a breakdown on my decision making for this build: - Into the fray for Woven mail = damage resist. - Banner of War for the healing and increased melee damage. - Synthoceps for the increased damage because you're basically always surrounded, helps to take down the initial brig and the end-room servitors with a single super use. - Thread of Isolation helps when dealing with the boss as most of your hits during the second half are going to be crits, and this will reduce the chance at a one-tap. - Thread of Warding is pretty helpful when your tangles are on cooldown, for backup woven mail. Powerful attraction works with this so if you have orbs around and you pop class ability, you should get woven mail from the orb pickup. - When doing the traversal sections, a switch to Lion Rampant can be helpful for sword flying through the jumping sections. Hella time save. - For me, I found it easier not to get overwhelmed in the final room by prioritizing ad-clear when I could. But always use super when it's up as you'll get it back pretty quickly with Riskrunner on a group of ads. - I opted for Hothead w/ Tracking Module and Clown Cartridge as I didn't want to waste rockets by missing. Better options probably exist for you. Always focus the servitor behind the boss first, as it tends to make the boss immune. - Even if the boss dies, all the ads need to die in the room for the mission to complete. As far as I know, the turrets don't count, but I preferred to get rid of them anyways to chill my lil brain out lmao. Any questions, feel free to message me on discord @shwylie

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